Accessories - Garden – Easter Creche

Accessories - Garden

Accessories - Garden

 5” Scale 9 piece set: 1 Bush, 2 Plants, 3 Pots of Flowers, 3 Pieces of Old-world Clay Pottery

  • Plastic in non-breakable terra cotta flower box 
  • Dimensions:  3.5” h x 2” w x 7/8” d 

  • Fabric in non-breakable terra cotta flower box 
  • Dimensions: 3” h x 2” w x 7/8” d 

  • Fabric in terra cotta flower pots
  • Dimensions: approx 1-1.5” h x 1” d

Old-world Pottery
  • terra cotta
  • Dimensions: approx. 1.25” h


$ 24.95